Videopoetry and Poetry Film Links

Poetry film festivals are on their own page.

Regularly updated sites (journals, blogs, channels, etc.)

Occasionally updated, dormant or static sites worth checking out

  • Blank Verse Films
    Filmmaker Mike Gioia’s YouTube channel is “an indie effort to film the best poets and poems. We film recitations, dramatic reenactments, impressionistic montages, and more.”
  • FilmPoem
    A 60-film archive of films by Scottish filmmaker Alastair Cook and others, adapting the the works of contemporary poets, mostly British
  • International Poetry Festival of Medellín: Multimedia
    The world’s largest annual poetry festival has a similarly impressive archive of performance videos
  • Motionpoems
    An 150-film archive of films by professional directors adapting the works of major contemporary American poets
  • Palabra Virtual: Poemas en video
    390 videopoems for Spanish-language poetry
  • Poetry Film Magazine
    This German web magazine on poetry film has five issues online, from 2016 to 2020, with a lot of content in English
  • Rattapallax
    They’ve produced a Poets on Film series; Verse: a poetic murder mystery in seven chapters; and other poetry videos
  • The Sonnet Project
    From NY Shakespeare Exchange, 154 sonnets, 154 NYC locations, 154 actors
  • Traveling Stanzas
    A public poetry project in Ohio that includes animations, involving poets who are regular members of the community, such as public school students and health-care providers, and graphic design students from Kent State University
  • UbuWeb: film and video
    An invaluable archive of classic avant-garde film

Social media