Call for Work: Breaking the frame: resisting technology in the digital age – Cambridge, UK

The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge are looking for submissions of “feature films, documentaries and experimental art films that engage with resistance to digital technology and ideas for alternatives to the current digital monopoly system”. This is a follow-up event to a successful festival held in 2021.
They say that they:
“… are keen to engage a broader audience in a dialogue about the neo-luddites, non-believers and critical minds that reject today’s technological fantasies to imagine a better world without the all-powerful techno monopolies that have privatised our communication, desires, and everyday lives. While most recent tech critique ends up with suggestions on regulation, in this film festival we would want to explore creatively two other modes of critical engagement with technology that sometimes go together with regulation but often go far beyond it: resistance and recoding.
What have been the key recent and not-so-recent thinkers and activist movements to resist computational capitalism? Who inspires neo-luddites, strike leaders, and free software champions? What are their principles? And equally importantly: how do they fight to achieve their goals? Is there an AI underground?”
Deadline is 15 July 2022. More information and submission details
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Jane Glennie’s award-winning poetry films have screened at festivals across the world. She works with still photographs to create films with a layered visual aesthetic that is abstract, painterly and floods the imagination. She is also a typographer and book designer, founder of Peculiarity Press publishing artists’ books.