CYCLOP International Videopoetry Festival in Kiev

The 3rd annual CYCLOP International Videopoetry Festival is coming up on November 16 and 17 in Kiev, Ukraine. For a description in English, see this very informative slideshow. They have a number of partners and media sponsors; it looks like a pretty major event. The focus is on contemporary Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian authors, and they hold a competition “to draw attention to Videopoetry as a phenomenon and a separate art form.” Last year they also showed selections from the Argentine videopoetry festival VideoBardo, the German ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, and Brooklyn’s International Literary Film Festival.

Here’s the 1st Place and People’s Choice Award winner from 2012, “1 + 1 = 1,” directed by Kalinichenko Xenia using a text by Mary Teymurazyan:

Scroll down the CYCLOP webpage for many more videos.

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