In Retrospect: a Manifesto and its Underpinnings

Last summer, I was invited to present a keynote address to the Poetry/Translation/Film conference organized by the University of Montpellier. Like a tour guide, I selected 19 videopoems, introducing each one. The venue was the Utopia, an aging, funky little cinema.

A few months ago, the organizers contacted me that they intend to publish a book of the proceedings and they were going to include my Manifesto, translated into French. Could I add a text “in which you look back on what you wrote then, say if there is anything you would revise if you were to rewrite your manifesto now, tell the reader of any developments between now and then, and what you foresee for the future?”

The questions were apt, as it occurred to me that it was around this time, 5 years ago, that I began writing what turned into the Manifesto. So here it is.

For those who may have trouble accessing, here’s the same PDF, uploaded with Tom’s permission to Moving Poems. —Ed.

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Dave Bonta 29 May, 2016

    Good stuff. As a non-systematic thinker myself, I appreciate the clarity you bring to these issues, and I find myself more in agreement with you as time goes on. This time around I found myself nodding most vigorously to the bit about incompleteness and accommodating spaces.

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