New Orleans by Matt Dennison

This is Have Made It, a 2013 film by Michael Dickes using a text by Matt Dennison. It’s kind of a videopoem-music video hybrid, with Dickes’ music taking central stage half-way through.

Have Made It appears in the most recent issue of Gnarled Oak, an online literary magazine distinguished by, among other things, its willingness to include previously published/uploaded poetry videos. Their next issue is open for submissions through March 31.


  1. Reply
    James Brush 20 April, 2017

    Thanks for the shout-out to Gnarled Oak. I’ve been mostly offline for a few months, but now I understand the sudden uptick in video submissions. A development for which I am grateful.

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 21 April, 2017

      Oh good! I think probably the majority of serious videopoets and poetry-film makers subscribe to the Moving Poems digest now… and at least a few of them actually look at their goddamn email.

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