~ Poet: Dave Richardson ~

Cathedral by Dave Richardson

My brother lost his virginity behind the barn, he says, but he says a lot of things… sometimes we want to hold on to sanctuaries and cathedrals even as they crumble.

A new, text-on-screen videopoem by artist and writer Dave Richardson, each of whose poetry films so far has been something of a masterpiece. This one has special resonance for me, since I also grew up playing in an old barn with my brothers, and love old barns in general. Cathedral strikes me as a quiet but powerful ode to this most iconic embodiment of rural life.

Love’s River of Errors by Dave Richardson

“The ocean, addiction, making a few collages to discover some kind of meaning…In memory…” Thus reads the description to this moving, personal video essay by artist Dave Richardson, which explores the collage-like nature of memory itself. It was featured at Atticus Review back on May 5, accompanied by an artist’s statement. Here’s a snippet:

For my own personal or collaborative creative work, I am always trying to lose a sense of control, to move beyond the expected visuals and to not overthink the final results, to leave some of the process evident, the rough edges. I agree with the graphic designer Paul Rand when he said, “To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize, to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse. To design is to transform prose into poetry.”

Read the rest.

Migrations by Dave Richardson

A gem of a videopoem by poet and filmmaker Dave Richardson.

Note that, polished as it appears, this is still a first draft, according to Richardson. In a comment at Vimeo, he wrote:

Always happy to share works in progress. My “first draft” might just be someone’s “final draft.” I think this motion piece is in good shape now.

The Mantis Shrimp by Dave Richardson

A meditation on the Mantis Shrimp’s 16 photoreceptors, a yellow blouse from the past, and a desire for more and more color. A previous version of “The Mantis Shrimp” was juried into Liberated Words at MIX: A Conference Exploring Transmedia Writing & Digital Creativity, 16-18, July 2012; Bath Spa University, UK. “The Mantis Shrimp” is now showing at the Tarble Arts Center, Charleston, Illinois, from Sept. 21 to Dec. 2, 2012, in the EIU Art Department Faculty Show.

Thus the description at Vimeo [for an earlier version of the video]. For more of Dave Richardson’s work, see his design website and Rocky Hill Studio blog.