~ Poet: H.K. Hummel ~

On Edward Hopper’s Automat by H.K. Hummel

A poem from H.K. Hummel’s online chapbook Handmade Boats, read by Nic S., gets the Swoon Bildos treatment (with additional camera work by David Michaud and Jason Kempnich).

Making a film for a poem about a painting represents a unique challenge for videopoets, I think. How to reference the mood or spirit of the original visual inspiration without resorting to out-right (and probably hopeless) imitation? In his Dutch-language blog, Swoon described his approach as follows (according to Google Translate):

Departed from night lights gliding images of cars and urban night life as background, I tried to tell the story of what (who) you do not see in the picture.

Is she really alone? Who sees it? She knows that people look at her?

What can happen after all the poem. After the painting.