~ Fundamentals of Neuroscience ~

Smell! by William Carlos Williams

William Carlos Williams’ own recitation of his poem is included in the soundtrack of this animation by Isaac Holland. The video is part of the Poetry of Perception series commissioned by Harvard for its Fundamentals of Neuroscience course.

Split the Lark — and you’ll find the Music by Emily Dickinson

An animation by Lily Fang, part of the Poetry of Perception series for the Harvard University course Fundamentals of Neuroscience. Sarah Jessop provided the voiceover with music by Skillbard. The epigraph is by Igor Stravinsky: “I haven’t understood a bar of music in my life, but I’ve felt it.”

We grow accustomed to the Dark by Emily Dickinson

An animation by Hannah Jacobs, part of a series called “Poetry of Perception” for the Harvard University course Fundamentals of Neuroscience. Here’s the Vimeo description:

An eight-part series (vimeo.com/channels/972301) on representations of perception and sensation made for fundamentalsofneuroscience.com. “Both artists and scientists strive, even if in different ways, toward the goal of discovering new uniformities or lawful regularities.” Hermann Helmholtz

Words by Emily Dickinson
Animation by Hannah Jacobs hellohannahjacobs.com
Narration by Anna Martine
Sound + Music by Oswald Skillbard skillbard.com
Produced by Nadja Oertelt nadjaoertelt.com

Hat-tip: Cinematic Poems, a blog somewhat like Moving Poems that’s dedicated to what it calls “an important emerging creative short film genre.”