Brenda Clews — sometime contributor to this forum and author of several videopoems on the main site — has knuckled down and figured out how to add subtitles to her YouTube videos using CaptionTube. Needless to say, captioning is an extremely valuable addition to videos not only for accessibility, but also to offer English translations of videopoems in other languages that can be turned off by those who know the languages. And YouTube captions in any of Google Translate’s languages can be machine-translated with a click of a button into any other. Brenda shares what she’s learned so far in a post at her blog.
The freemium video sharing site Vimeo, source of the majority of videos featured at Moving Poems, has just unveiled what it calls Vimeo Video School, “a one-stop shop for Vimeo Lessons and user-made video tutorials about a variety of video-making topics.” For those of us who didn’t go to film school, this looks like a great way to get up to speed on professional filmmaking techniques.