Condition of Fire: seven poems by JL Williams

Condition of Fire is the debut collection from JL Williams, published by Shearsman. The author’s reading of seven poems from the book is combined with a commissioned sound work by Luca Nasciuti in this new filmpoem by Alastair Cook.


  1. Reply
    Swoon 18 March, 2011

    I’m growing as a fan, by each work you make…

  2. Reply
    Diane Lockward 18 March, 2011

    Shouldn’t the video maker have adjusted the aspect ratio before posting in order to eliminate the black bars at top and bottom of screen? I find all the flashing a big distraction.

  3. Reply
    Dave Bonta 18 March, 2011

    Diane, I suggest expanding to full screen and watching in HD for the full effect. Alastair has the aspect ratio set for maximal display on his own site.

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