Abecedario Poético / Found Footage Mix by Raúl Calderón Gordillo and Mariano Rentería Garnica

Must be expanded to full screen. Mariano Rentería Garnica made the film in collaboration with his fellow Mexican artist Raúl Calderón Gordillo, who supplied the text. The Spanish/English title as given above is what he wrote in Vimeo, where he also supplied this explanation:

Este remix visual trata de crear una impresión rítmica de la mirada poética en el cine, mostrándola como imágenes aleatorias. Este Abecedario Poético es la búsqueda de una relación del cuerpo humano en el cine, apoyado con algunos textos del artista visual michoacano Raúl Calderon Gordillo.

This visual remix tries to make a rhythmic impression of the poetic glance in cinema by showing random images of beauty. The Poetic Alphabet, tries to make a relation in between the human body in cinema and the poems of the mexican visual artist Raúl Calderon Gordillo.

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