Nachtfahrt / Night-Drive by Ruedi Bind

This delightfully strange videopoem has “Monday” written all over it. Let me just paste in the credits and description from YouTube:

videopoem by Hansjörg Palm + Ruedi Bind
7:10 min, 2010, D + CH
Concept, camera, performers, speakers: Hansjörg Palm, Ruedi Bind
Editing, sound, music, costumes: Hansjörg Palm
Poem: Ruedi Bind
2011 Internationales Kurzfilm Festival, Hamburg
2010 ZEBRA, poetry film festival, Berlin / La.Meko, kurzfilmfestival, Landau

Ein alter Mann taucht ab in eine Nachtfahrt.
Dort begegnet er überraschenden Gestalten und Landschaften.
Er taucht gänzlich verwandelt wieder auf, mit neuem Blick auf sein Leben.

An old man dives into the night.
He meets surprising figures and landscapes.
Ascending he finds himself completely changed.

I should note that I found this via ZEBRA Poetry Festival’s Twitter account, @ZebraFestival, which is currently the most useful filmpoetry/videopoetry-related Twitter feed of which I’m aware.

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Nic S. 5 December, 2011

    Love it!

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