PROOF triptych: three poems by David Tomaloff

Swoon Bildos and David Tomaloff collaborated on a videopoetry triptych called PROOF, which has its own website. I didn’t want to split it into three posts since I think the videos are best watched together and in the intended sequence:

_object{-ions in the mirror

Thespianic Mythology No. 4


The first two poems were originally published (in text form) in the online magazine >kill author (here and here) while the third was written especially for this triptych.

Update (1/5/12): Swoon and Tomaloff are the featured artists of the month at for their creation of this triptych. The accompanying interview is full of fascinating details about their collaboration and methodology.


  1. Reply
    swoon 8 December, 2011

    Thanks for placing these, Dave. They mean a lot to me.

    • Reply
      Dave 8 December, 2011

      My pleasure. I love featuring high-quality collaborations like these — and I don’t post nearly as much avant-garde work as I should.

  2. Reply
    dtomaloff 8 December, 2011

    Yes, thanks from me as well, Dave! I’m so glad to have been a part of this.

  3. Reply

    […] PROOF, the videopoem triptych that Marc Swoon Bildos Neys and I collaborated on can now be found at Dave Bonta’s MOVING POEMS website. […]

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