Seafarer: a tiny novella in verse by David Tomaloff

Swoon‘s video for a micro-chapbook [PDF] by David Tomaloff uses public-domain footage from the Ivan Besse Collection at the Prelinger Archives, shot in Britton, South Dakota in the late 1930s. Tomaloff contributed the reading, while the concept, editing and music were all Swoon’s work. He posted some process notes at his blog:

Origami Poems Project is fun. You get all these great poems in a highly original form.
But in this case it was not only the form.

‘Seafarer’ struck me immediately as a piece that I wanted to do something with.


For the images I wanted to use the superb footage of Ivan Besse again.
I wanted to tell a story with the footage. A story that touches some parts of ‘Seafarer’ but could also open up completely different interpretations of the work as a whole or some of its details.

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