Call for submissions: apocalyptic-themed poetry videos

InDigest magazine is asking for video submissions from poets and storytellers for an end-of-the-world YouTube compendium to be issued next Friday, December 21. Although the submission guidelines state that the video “can just be you reading a poem,” they add: “the submissions must have great writing or be an exceptional video.” Editor Dustin Luke Nelson said in a contact message to Moving Poems, “I’m not asking all poets and writers to create short films, but I hope to get a few that are a little more in line with what you curate here as opposed to just people reading into a camera, but either way I thought this might be of interest to you or your readers.”

Be advised, however, that previously web-published videos are not eligible, so if you’re interested, you’d better get busy. The end of the world is less than a week away!

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