Call for submissions: 7th biannual ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival in Berlin

I’m a little late in sharing this announcement, but the 2014 ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is open for submissions:

For the seventh time, the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is calling for entries to find the best poetry film. Entries may be short films made on the basis of poems. The total value of the prizes in the competition is € 13,000. From among the films submitted, a Programme Committee will nominate the films to be entered for the Competition and select the films for the various sections of the festival programme. The winners will be chose by an international jury.

The Festival is also inviting entries of films based on this year’s »Festival poem«, Love in the Age of the EU by Björn Kuhligk. The directors of the three best films will be invited to Berlin to meet the poet and have the opportunity to present and discuss their films. You can find the poem with a sound recording and various translations here.

Closing date for entries for all the competitions is 25 April 2014

See the complete call for entries [PDF].


  1. Reply
    storiesandqueer 15 March, 2014

    Is there a working link to learn more about submissions?

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