Hij morrelt aan je ziel / He fumbles at your Soul by Emily Dickinson


This is Dickinson’s poem F477 (1862)/J315, translated into Dutch by J. Eijkelboom and into film by Marc Neys, A.K.A. Swoon, who says he began with an old reading he had made of the poem, building an experimental soundtrack around it.

The track was (except for the electronic ‘drumthumbs’ in the back) completely constructed out of (altered) sounds I made with my mouth. A fun experiment. For some reason the track worked quite well with that old recording. Maybe there was a short video in it too?

Keeping a similar kind of restriction as I did with the sounds, I wanted only one short piece of footage in the video; leaves.

The whole thing was created in one afternoon (and it probably shows), but I had fun doing so. Keeping it simple and fresh.

A fun inbetweenie stuffed between longer videos and ongoing projects.

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