Family Therapy (IV) by Cynthia Atkins

Nic S. isn’t content to manage The Poetry Storehouse and record audio tracks for many other people’s video projects; she continues to make poetry videos herself with a surer and surer hand. This video, one of her most recent, is among her best so far, I think. The text is one of six poems by Cynthia Atkins that appeared at the Storehouse earlier this month. The soundtrack, which strikes me as a particularly good match for the words and footage, comes from user Peridactyloptrix.

A wide-ranging and fascinating interview with Nic S. has just been posted at Creative Thresholds. About videopoetry Sebastian says, for example:

[T]he poem on the page is THE character in the page production. In a video production, the page poem remains a central character, but is not THE character in the same way. The page poem threads the poet’s story into the video, but other important elements join to play different roles in telling the story the film-maker found in the poem. Which, in the best video productions, is a related but different story, one that moves the original narrative forward in ways the poet may or may not have envisaged. The best video productions, in my view, are not merely a reflection of the original poem, not merely an attempt to recast/reproduce the poet’s narrative in visual form – they add something to the original narrative, they move it forward.

Do read the rest.

Moving Poems will be on holiday all next week. See you in August.


  1. Reply
    Nic S. 25 July, 2014

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Dave – I value your perspective.

  2. Reply
    Cynthia Atkins 25 July, 2014

    Thank you for this wonderful site–already thumbing through—and
    for showcasing our collaboration here at Moving Poems.

  3. Reply

    […] – Storehouse poems recently featured at the Moving Poems videopoetry site: …. * Video remixes by Marie Craven and Othniel Smith for a poem by Janeen Rastall, When Asked About My Inner Goddess …. * A Nic S. video remix of a Cynthia Atkins poem, Family Therapy IV […]

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