Program for Vienna Poetry Film Festival on November 5-6 takes shape

The Austrian artists’ collective Art Visuals & Poetry have released some additional information about their upcoming festival via their occasional email newsletter, which includes this summary in English:

The Vienna Poetry Filmfestival will take place from November 5-6, in Vienna at Schikaneder Kino, Margaretenstraße 24, 1040 Wien. We have set up a curated international film program around the competition program with films from Germany, Georgia and Norway on the 5th of November. Best of and the winners will be presented on the 6th of November together with the live visualized poetry performance Rhea Krcmarova / 4youreye. All participants are invited to join the festival for free! Please follow the festival informations on our website regarding reduced accomodations in Vienna. The winners of the competition and other selected films will be presented again on December 2, 2014 at the cinema Künstlerhaus, Vienna. More details coming soon!

Clicking on the latter link reminds me to add a reminder that their film competition is still open for entries through September 30.

One Comment

  1. Reply

    […] Poetry Film Festival (A.K.A. Art Visuals & Poetry Festival) is coming up on November 5-6, as previously noted. Now they have released a list of the films they’ll be screening on November 6 from both […]

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