Call for submissions to new print anthology of political poetry welcomes “audio/visual media”

In what may be a sign of the times, I noticed this in the widely subscribed Creative Writers Opportunities List (CWROPPS-B):

Sundress Publications is now accepting poetry submissions for a new anthology on the politics of identity, to showcase the substantial amount of political writing that is being done today. This print anthology, edited by Fox Frazier-Foley and Erin Elizabeth Smith, will include multimedia features: we are open to submissions in audio/visual media (e.g., video files of ASL poetry, audio files of spoken word poetry, etc).

I guess this must mean that the publishers are contemplating a complementary digital edition of some sort — a website, app, and/or ebook — which itself is good to see, given the challenges that coding poetry can present. Sundress Publications is “a (mostly) woman-run, woman-friendly publication group founded in 2000 that hosts a variety of online journals and publishes chapbooks and full-length collections in both print and digital formats.”

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