Under remodeling

If you’re reading this on the website (as opposed to a feed reader or our weekly digest), you’ve probably noticed a few changes around here. Moving Poems Forum is now Moving Poems Magazine, with a greater focus on magazine-like content such as think-pieces and criticism, interviews, and craft essays, in addition to the usual news notes about festivals, contests, and other poetry-film-related things. This is a change that’s been brewing for some time, but got a huge boost from conversations I had with other poets and filmmakers at the ZEBRA festival last week. It’s a good bet that the look of the site will continue to change over the coming days as I work out the architecture, trying to anticipate both the needs of visitors and the likely range of contributions. I think this is what they call a soft launch.

If you’d like to contribute articles (including reprints), please email me with ideas: bontasaurus@yahoo.com. I regret that I cannot afford to pay anyone; this is not a money-making venture, to say the least.

One Comment

  1. Reply
    jpsipila 27 October, 2014

    This is great news Dave! Keep up the good work you have done.

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