2018 Button Poetry Video Contest open through August 31

I missed the announcement at the beginning of the month, but there are still a few days left to submit to Button Poetry’s 2018 video contest. It’s open to any poet over the age of 18 anywhere in the world (as long as English subtitles are provided for poems in other languages); videos should be 1-4 minutes in length, and “Videos that have been previously published elsewhere are eligible, with the understanding that any selected video may need to be taken down from other locations on the internet.” See the complete guidelines on Submittable.

With 996,213 subscribers and videos that routinely rack up tens of thousands of views, Button Poetry is surely the most popular poetry-related YouTube channel in English. Their preferred style is spoken word/performance poetry, but that’s a very broad tent these days, and past winners of their video contest have included proper poetry films, not simply documentary videos of live performances, which comprise the vast majority of their in-house productions.


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