Ó Bhéal and Rabbit Heart festivals release shortlists

Cork, Ireland’s Ó Bhéal Poetry Film Festival yesterday released an illustrated, annotated program for their 2018 screenings, which are scheduled for 3:00 and 5:00 PM on Sunday, October 14. As in past years, the inclusion of descriptions for each film makes the list a useful resource even for those of us not able to attend the festival. View it here.

They join the Worcester, Massachusetts-based Rabbit Heart Poetry Film Festival, which released its own, longer (but unannotated) shortlists earlier in the week for their screenings on October 20. In contrast to Ó Bhéal, which will pick just one winner, RHPFF has seven competition categories plus Curator’s Choice and Showcase Features. Here’s the link.

It was good to see a mixture of new and familiar names on both festivals’ lists. (A third poetry film festival scheduled for October, Juteback, appears not to have released a program yet.) I look forward to catching up with many of these films when they appear on the web, and of course sharing my pick of the best at Moving Poems.

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