ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival to focus on US films

The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival website has posted several announcements in English about the upcoming festival on the 27-30 September at Schloßtheater in Münster — though not, at the time of writing, the full programme yet. We’re told that 66 films were nominated from 1,200 entries to the five competitions, and that

Ten directors from eight countries followed the call to film this year’s festival poem “Endless wall-to-wall carpet (of the VIP foyer)” by Ann Cotten. Four of them will be shown at the festival in the presence of the filmmakers and the poet.

Also of note:

The focus of this year’s ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is on the USA. Selected poetry films from this year’s entries will present the current facets of the US film and poetry scene. Readings and performances complete the range of films at the festival cinema Schloßtheater in Münster, a scientific lecture on the Beat Generation provides exciting background knowledge.

What drove the early representatives of the beat generation to the medium of film?

How do international filmmakers take up the poems of the Beat Generation in their poetry films today? In her lecture “Beat & Picture: A flashback and flash forward to the poetic and cinematic activities of the Beat Generation”, the specialist in American studies Dr. Martina Pfeiler invites us to take a closer look at the cinematic and lyrical heritage of the Beat Generation. The 90-minute lecture followed by a discussion will take place on Sunday, 30.9. at 1:30 p.m. in the Schloßtheater in Münster.

The whole series of events sounds pretty unmissable.

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