~ Filmmaker: Alberto Roblest ~

Four Paradigms by Alberto Roblest

The description on Vimeo reads:

Four Paradigms for the new millenium. A poem. A homage. A flux.

Alberto Roblest is a “veteran public access television producer” and “author of artwork exhibited at museums, galleries and film and video festivals around the world,” according to the Hola Cultura website.

Haciendo Apenas la Recolección by Tino Villanueva

Another collaboration between Chicano poet Tino Villanueva and filmmaker Alberto Roblest makes visual poetry of Villanuava’s childhood, which was spent following the crops with his migrant farmworker family in Texas.

Hay Otra Voz—A Chicano Poem by Tino Villanueva

A collaboration between Chicano poet Tino Villanueva and filmmaker Alberto Roblest.