~ Filmmaker: Julian Grey ~

Forgetfulness by Billy Collins

This seemed an appropriate video with which to resume my now-and-then posting of the Billy Collins poetry animations, which are justly famous among fans of contemporary vidpo. How had I forgotten about them? (Hat tip to Carolee Sherwood for jogging my memory.)

See a larger, Quicktime version at Billy Collins Action Poetry.

Some Days by Billy Collins

Poem and reading by Billy Collins — text here

Animation by Julian Grey of Head Gear Animation, produced by JWT-NY

I have to say these Billy Collins videos from JWT-NY (there are nine total; I’ll post them all eventually) are really an improvement over the straight texts. This is just a matter of personal taste, of course, but Collins’ poems tend to bore me after the first reading. The video adaptations, by contrast, invite repeated viewings. I’m sure there’s a lesson there somewhere…