How Spring Arrives by James Wright

Despite some technical problems with the video quality, I’ve decided I really like this simple film by Theresa Williams, not least because it uses a recording of James Wright reading his own poem, and he was a great reader.


  1. Reply
    alex 8 August, 2009

    I love it very much, I find the reading marvelous and the tech part is rather nice. Thanks for lighting the way for video poems …

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 10 August, 2009

      Hi Alex, I’m glad you’re enjoying the site. With this video, it wasn’t so much the execution as the low resolution that seemed to detract a little from the overall effect. But you’re right, it’s a still a good one.

      • Reply
        Theresa Williams 15 August, 2009

        Hi! I’m the maker of this little film and would like to thank you for including it on this site. I am a novice with few skills, and my equipment malfunctioned that day, but I love Wright and wanted to make a small tribute to him. I’m glad the video translated something to you despite its obvious problems.

        • Reply
          Dave Bonta 15 August, 2009

          Hi Theresa – Thanks for making the film! My link to this post attracted some appreciative comments on Facebook, too. Believe me, I’ve passed up many more professionally made video poems here because they were full of cliched images and cloying music.

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